تحديا لجوجل... مدونة عمال مصر تعيد نشر تقرير ..مواطن مصرى بالامارات يستغيث بالمسئوليين لنجدته
هذا الموضوع تم نشرة فى عام 2009 وكانت عبارة عن رسالة من مواطن مصرى يستغيث بالحكومة المصرية، ولأن مدونة "عمال مصر" دأبت على مساعدة المصريين فى كافة أنحاء العالم، فقد تم نشر رسالة الرجل المصرى لعل الحكومة المصرية تراها فتساعدة، ولم تتدخل المدونة فى أى حرف من الذى كتبها الرجل، وكانت المدونة على استعداد لأستلام الرد من الحكومة المصرية او الامارتية الا انها لم تتسلم اى ردود، وفى السابع من مارس 2013 ارسلت جوجل الراعية لبلوجسبوت - وهو الخادم المحمل عليه المدونة -، تؤكد انه تم حذف هذا التقرير لأنه اخترق شروط النشر، وان هناك شكوى مقدمة لجوجل بشأن هذا التقرير ، وبناء عليه تم محو التقرير لحين استلام اشعار من المدونة، وبالفعل اتخذت المدونة طريق الرد لجوجل، ولكن لأن المدونة تؤمن بحق النشر دون قيود سوى التى نص عليها القانون، فهى تعيد نشر التقرير فى تحدى لجوجل، ومقدم الشكوى، وعلى من يتضرر منهم ان يلجىء للقضاء، وتؤكد المدونة وانها لأخر لحظة ستستمر فى دعم حق النشر دون قيود، وستقوم بمساعدة المصريين فى نشر قضاياهم مهما كانت الشخصيات التى تقف ضد حصولهم على حقوقهم
كريم البحيرى
محرر مدونة عمال مصر
ارسل المصرى سعد المحمدى عوض عبدالحليم رسالة الى مدونة عمال مصر مطالبا بنشرها الى المواطنيين المصريين لعل احد المسئوليين يقوم بالتدخل لنجدتة قبل ان تنهار اسرتة
دون الدخول فى التفاصيل تنشر المدونة نص الرسالة التى ارسلها المحمدى والتى نشرتها مدونتنان الاولى تحمل اسم التعذيب والذل فى الامارات وهى اللغة العربية
والاخرى تحمل اسم
كريم البحيرى
محرر مدونة عمال مصر
ارسل المصرى سعد المحمدى عوض عبدالحليم رسالة الى مدونة عمال مصر مطالبا بنشرها الى المواطنيين المصريين لعل احد المسئوليين يقوم بالتدخل لنجدتة قبل ان تنهار اسرتة
دون الدخول فى التفاصيل تنشر المدونة نص الرسالة التى ارسلها المحمدى والتى نشرتها مدونتنان الاولى تحمل اسم التعذيب والذل فى الامارات وهى اللغة العربية
والاخرى تحمل اسم
Torture and humiliation in UAE وهى ناطقة باللغة الانجليزية
نص الرسالة المرسلة من المحمدى للمسئوليين المصريين عبر مدونة عمال مصر والتى تهيب مدونة عمال مصر بعد نشرها للرسالة ان يتدخل المسئوليين المصريين والخارجية المصرية لأنقاذ هذا الاب قبل ان يتم تلفيق قضايا له تؤدى به الى السجن او الاعدام مثل الشابان المصريان الذى تم اعدامهم فى ليبيا على يد الحكومة الليبية التى لم تكلف نفسها عناء البحث عن الحقيقة وتهيب المدونة ايضا كل المنظمات الحقوقية والنشطاء بالتدخل لمحاولة مساعدة هذا الشابـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
عشرة شهور من الذل والمهانه والتعذيب بين السجون والمحاكم والشواراع فى الامارات العربية
اسره تفككت وجاعت من اجل طمع وجشع الكفيل وجبروته وسطوتة ونفوذه وطغيانه
رجل يعيش بدون جواز سفر ولا اقامه وبلا عمل وليس مصرح له بالعمل ولا التنقل
زوجة تعيل اولادنا فى مصر وتعيل زوجها الذى لا يستطيع العمل ولا يستطيع العوده لبلدة
عقيد امن الدوله الاماراتى يهدد الزوجه بسجن زوجها مدى الحياه ان لم تتجاوب معه فى الكلام الخادش للحياء بالتليفون
تلفيق قضايا بدون تحقيقات ولا تحقيقات فى النيابه
تجويع وتشريد فى دولة الامارات التى كنت اظن بها خيرا ولكننى وجدت الجشع الاعمى والطمع وواصحاب نفوذ يهددونك بالسجن مدى الحياه ان طلبت حقوقك
وهنا الوقائع بالتفصيل مع وجود مستندات لكل كلمه اقولها
بدأت من يوم 19/11/2008
فى مطار الشارقه يوم 19/11/2008
تم القبض عليه بتهمه الهروب من الكفيل
علما ان تاريخ التعميم هو 28/9/2008
وانادخلت الامارات يوم 26/9/2008
اذا الفرق يومان فقط
وقانون الامارات يقضى بأن يكون الفرق بين الدخول للبلاد وتاريخ التعميم ليس اقل من
سبعة ايام حتى يتمكن المكفول من الذهاب لعملة
اذا كيف تم عمل التعميم ؟وكيف قبلت الجهات المسئولة عمل التعميم بالهروب من الكفيل ؟
هل هى رشوة ؟ أم لذوى النفوذ والسلطة ؟
عاملونى فى المطار بمنتهى اللاانسانية ورفضوا ان يعطونى شربة ماء وجلست فى المطار من
الساعة 4 فجرا الى الساعة 12 ظهرا
أصبت بشلل فى الاطراف وارتميت على الارض ولم يسعفنى اى انسان
ادخلونى سجن الشارقة لمدة اربعة ايام حتى يتم نقلى الى سجن الصدر فى ابو ظبى
تم ضربى بالحزام عقابا لى لاننى شربت سيجارة امام الشرطى علما انه مسموح التدخين
ولكن الشرطى احب ان يظهر قوتة الظالمة
جلست فى سجن الصدر فى ابو ظبى اربعون يوما بدون سبب حتى اصيبت زوجتى بشلل فى زراعها وابنتى بصدمه عصبيه حزنا على ما يحدث لى
ارسلت زوجتى فاكس لجوازات الوثبة تطلب اطلاق سراحى لان التعميم كاذب وكيدى
فجأة يتم الافراج عنى بعد ان احتفظوا بجواز سفرى ولكن التعميم مازال ساريا ولا استطيع
العمل او التنقل فى اى مكان او العودة الى مصر
افرجوا عنى يوم 29/12/2008
رفعت الشركة الظالمة – ذوى النفوذ والسلظة على قضية سب وقذف وتشهير عبر الانترنت
لاننى طالبت بحقوقى المالية المتأخرة لديهم وعندما رفضوا نشرت قصتى على الانترنت
علما اننى كنت فى مصر وقت المطالبة بحقوقى ونشرت القصة وانا موجود فى مصر
ونص القصه هو نفسة الذى ارسلته لشرطة ابو ظبى أثناء وجودى فى مصر
وكيل النيابة لم يحقق معى فى القضية رقم 17587 أبو ظبى
ولم اوقع على ايه اقوال وتم تحويل القضيه للمحكمه دون تحقيق
جلست القضية فى المحكمة ستة شهور بدون تحقيق وحجزت للحكم اكثر من مرة
وبعد ستة شهور تم تحويل القضية الى للخبير الفنى حتى يحقق فى القضية
تم استدعائى لبيت الخبير
والذى تولى التحقيق: زوجة الخبير ::
ووالد الخبير :: والخبير نفسة
بشهاده مكتب المحاماة الذى حضر معى
هل يتم التحيق فى القضايا فى البيوت ؟
الخبير لا يعلم اى شئ عن الانترنت ولم يستطع مجاراتى فى الحديث فى الامور التقنية الفنية فى الكمبيوتر والانترنت
ولهذا السبب كان المحققون هم
زوجة الخبير ووالد الخبير فى بيتهم
الخبير يرفع تقـريرة الى المحكمة بدون ايه ادلة ثابتة وكلها مجرد آراء
لانة لم يستطع ان يفهم ما اقول فنيا وتقنيا
المستندات التى قدمتها الشركة الظالمة كلها مزورة بالفوتوشوب
وملفقه وقدمت الدليل على ذلك وصنعت نسخه من المستندات المزوة كلها لكى اثبت ان اى احد يستطيع ان يزور ما قدمتة الشركة من اشياء مفبركة ولكن الخبير لم يستطع فهم ما قدمتة فهو بالكاد يستطيع ان يفتح صفحه انترنت
تم الحكم على بشهرين سجن وعشرة الآف درهم غرامة
وعلى مدار التسعة اشهر كان العذاب والذل الاتى ذكرة
ذهبت الى الشركة بعد خروجى من السجن
حتى استرحمهم ان يلغوا التعميم ويتنازلوا
عن القضية الملفقة وكانت المفاجأة ان يساوموا
بطلب شهادة زور فى قضية اخرى تخصهم
رفضت الشهادة الزور وكان التهديد الاعظم
هددونى ان فتحت مواضيع اخرى فى القضية
وان لم اشهد زور سوف -----------
هددونى بالاتى
سوف يسجنوننى مدى الحياة ولن ارى اولادى
مدى الحياة
وقالوا انت لا تعلم من هو ( راشد بن عويضة ) فأنه لصديق شخصى
لكبار رجال الدولة فى الامارات
قدمت شكوى للقيادة العامة لشرطة ابو ظبى
قالوا روح قدم بلاغ – وقدمت البلاغ
ولكنه تم حفظة بالرغم من موافقة النيابه والى اليوم لم يرى النور
وكاد الضابط فى مركز شرطة المدينه ان يسجننى مرة اخرى لاننى قدمت بلاغ
فى مجموعة بن عويضة ( راشد بن عويضة القبيسي ) وعبد الله القبيسي ذو السطوة والنفوذ والطغيان
لولا ان قلت لهم سأتصل بالسفارة المصرية وخرجت من ايديهم بأعجوبة
رفعت دعوة بالمطالبة بحقوقى فى قضية مدنية رقم 84-2009
ولكن القاضى امر بدفع نصف المبلغ المطالب به كأجور للخبير
وطبعا لم استطع فالغيت القضية
رفعت دعوة فى مكتب العمل لازالة بلاغ التعميم الكيدى والمطالبة بحقوقى
ويوم الجلسة فوجئت ان المعاملة الغيت لاننى حضرت متأخر بضعة دقائق
ولكن السبب الرئيسى هوالسطوة والنفوذ
فقدت الامل نهائيا ان تنصفنى اى جهة قضائية او رسمية
نفوذ الكفيل اقوى من اى شئ احاول فعلة ولكن كل هذا ليس مهم فالاهم قادم .
مطاردة من عقيد فى امن الدولة الاماراتى فى الشارقة ( يوسف فارس يوسف ) لماذا؟؟؟؟؟
لان زوجتى غيرت رقم التليفون
منذ ان طلبت منة زوجتى ان ينقذنى فى مطار الشارقة يوم القبض على اعتاد ان يكلمها ويطمأنها على رغم انه لم يسأل عنى مطلقا
حاول الضابط عدة مرات ان يتحدث بقله ادب فى التليفون معها ولكنها كانت ترفض وتغلق الخط فكانت الطامة الكبرى لانها رفضت
وعندما رفضت قال لها ان زوجك ما زال هنا فى بلدنا واستطيع ان اسجنة مرة اخرى ولكن ستكون مدى الحياة
وكان بعد ان يكلمها يطلبنى فى التليفون ليتكم معى ويسأل عن مجرى القضايا
ثعبان ماكر خائن منافق واجبرها ان تجارية فى الكلام الخادش للحياء فى التليفون
لم تستطع زوجتى ان تقول لى عن ذلك خوفا من ان افقد اعصابى وخوفا ان ينفذ تهديدة لها
كانت زوجتى تسمع على استحياء وتتألم لانها مجبرة على ان تسمع هذا المجنون
فلا خوف من الله ، كان يكلمها ايضا عندما ذهب ليعتمر فى السعودية وكان فى داخل الحرم ويكلمها
لم تستطع زوجتى ان تستمر فى الاستماع وقررت ان تقول لى بعد ان ساءت حالتها النفسية واحست بالذل والهوان على ايدى هذا الذى يفترض انة انسان
تخيل ان تعلم هذا فماذا سيكون شعورك ؟
هل تقتلة ؟ام تسيطر على اعصابك حتى لا يزيد الطين بله ؟
امرت زوجتى ان تغير رقم التليفون ومن بعد ذلك بدأت مطاردة عقيد امن الدولة
الامارتى لى فى كل مكان وزمان واصبحت انا عدوة اللدود
امتنع ان يطلبنى هاتفيا لانة احس اننى علمت بالامر- حتى اننى حاولت ان اكلمة ولكن لم يرد
هل هو خائف ؟ ام نادم ؟ ام يدبر شيئا ؟
حينئذ تذكرت ما قاله لى فى احد المرات
عندما توقفت عن عمل خدمات مجانية له
فى موقعة على الانترنت
وكان قد قال لى ان كنت قدلم تراجع نفسك وتعود للعمل المجانى فى موقعى فكان زمانك فى السجن –
فقلت له كيف؟؟
قال كنت اجهز لك بعض الملفات حتى تزورنا
فى امن الدولة
قلت له كيف ؟ فقال هذا ايسر شئ ان يتم اقحام اسمك
فى اى قضية امنية وتشرفنا بالزيارة لشهور او سنوات
اوربما العمر كلة
بعد تغيير التليفون بدأت المطاردات
وبدأ المتصلون اللذين هم على هيئة زبائن يريدون ان يعرفوا اين مكانى بالضبط
وكنت اتعجب فلم يطلب عميل قط ان يعرف مكانى قبل ذلك بهذا الالحاح
بدأت المطاردات من نوع اخر عندما فشل فى العثور على بهذه الطريقة
بدأ بالنساء – فكانت تتصل النساء ليلا ويتكلموا معى لعدة ساعات طالبين بعدها ان يتم تنظيم لقاء
وان اتصل بهم مرة ثانية ولكن فشلت محاولتة التى كانت ترمى الى معرفة مكانى أو تلفيق قضية اخرى لى بمعاكسة النساء وازعاجهم
ولجأ الى حيلة اخرى
هو يعلم من موقعى على الانترنت اننى اتوسط
فى بيع اجهزة كمبيوتر لابتوب مستورد من امريكا
فجائتنى مكالمة من الهند وطلبوا منى ان اتوسط لهم فقلت لهم اسعار
عالية فوافقوا مباشرة
ثم طلبوا ان اذهب لمكان ما حتى نتفاهم على الشحنة مع اقرباء لهم فى الامارات ولكننى
طبعا لم اذهب وتوالت محاولاتة للقبض علي
تسعة شهور من السجن الى المحاكم الى الشوارع
ايجارات جنونية و بدون جواز سفر او اقامة
بدون عمل
كيف استطيع ان اعيش ؟
كيف تستطيع زوجتى فى مصر ان تعيل اولادى ؟
الى متى ستستمر هذه المأساة ؟
الى متى سنظل ننتظر من صديق ان يعطف علينا ويعطى لنا ما نقتات بة ؟
اسر مكونة من زوجة وثلاثة اولاد ووالدى الكرام اللذين احترقوا حزنا على – الى متى هذا الشقاء ؟؟؟؟
حاولنا التوفيرعلى قدر المستطاع
مدارس الاولاد الخاصة تم تحويلها الى المدارس الحكومية
آكل وجبة واحدة فى اليوم واستطيع ان اتحمل ؟؟
ولكن كيف استطيع ان اطلب ذلك من اولادى ؟؟؟
هل يستطيع ان يطلب احدكم من اولادة ان يقتصد فى الاكل ؟؟؟؟
لا ملابس صيفية اوشتوية – الاولاد نفسهم قالوا ذلك حتى نخرج من هذه المحنة
ولكن انت كوالد هل تستطيع ان تتحمل هذا الضغط النفسى ؟؟
الى متى سأظل بدون عمل فى غربة مليئة بالمطاردات والقضايا الملفقة ؟؟
الى متى سيظل اولادى فى مصر ينتظرون موتى او سجنى غريبا فى اية لحظة ؟؟؟
من منكم سيقول لا للظــلم ؟؟؟
من منكم سيقول لا للظـــالم ؟؟؟
من سيقول كفى لاصحاب النفوذ والمحسوبية ؟؟
من منكم سيقول لا للظــــــــــــــــلم ؟؟؟؟؟؟
يا ظــالم يا عديم الرحمة
هل فكرت ان طال ظلمك الى اى صورة سأتحول ؟
الى متى يمكننى التحمل ؟؟
هل خطر ببالك انه من الممكن ان اتحول الى مجرم او ارهابى ؟؟؟؟؟؟
هل ترضى لطفل عندة 11 سنة ان يعمل ليكفل امة واخوتة ؟؟ لاننى لا استطيع ان ارسل لهم من غربتى ما يسد رمقهم او ايجار الشقة
افعلوا شيئا وارحمونى من هذا الجحيم
افعلوا شيئا يا مؤمنين
story by english
Nine months of humiliation, torture and humiliation of prison in UAE
Started on 19/11/2008
At the Sharjah Airport on 19/11/2008
Was arrested on a charge of escape from the guarantor
Note that the date of this circular is to 28/9/2008
Anedjlt and the United Arab Emirates on 26/9/2008
So the difference is only 2 days
And the law in the UAE, according to the difference between the incomes of the country and the date of the circular is not less than seven days in order to be able to go from lender to the guarantor
How, if the circular had been accepted in the Passport Office? Accepted and how to generalize the work of those responsible to escape from the guarantor?
Does the guarantor to pay a bribe? Or as the guarantor of the people of influence and power?
Airport officers treated me at the airport the most inhuman and refused to give me water and I sat at the airport from 4 AM , to 12 PM
I was paralyzed in my legs and my body on the ground is not any one to provide assistance
in Sharjah was serve jail for four days until it is transferred to the prison of Abu Dhabi
Police beat belting for punishment
I drank for a cigarette in front of police
Note that smoking is allowed
But the police love to show strength unjust
I sat in the prison in Abu Dhabi for forty days without a reason, even my wife was paralyzed in her hand and my daughter was a nervous shock because of the distress at what happens to her father
My wife sent a fax to the immigration Office to request my release can escape from the circulation of false and malicious
Suddenly be released after that kept me my passport, but the escape from the sponsor is still in effect and I can not Work or travel anywhere and I can not return to Egypt
Released me on 29/12/2008 ( after 40 days in Jail )
The company sued the unjust - the issue of libel and insult and defamation on the Internet
The punishment for me because I called to leave my financial arrears and when they refused I have my story published on the Internet
I was in Egypt, the time of the claim and leave my story published and I was in Egypt
Story is the same as the letter sent to the Abu Dhabi Police during my stay in Egypt
The prosecutor did not discuss with me in case No. 17587 Abu Dhabi - did not ask me any technical questions related to the case
Is there a technical issue, without investigation
I Did not sign any statement on the case was then transferred to the court without investigation
Has been the case in the court six months without achieving reserved for a more than once
After six months the case was transferred to a technical expert in order to achieve in the case
I was summoned to the House of the technical expert, who was appointed from the court even checking with me and discuss
Who took the investigation : the wife of an expert :: And the father of the:: and the same expert
This is borne out by the representative of the attorney's office who attended the debate with me and the investigation
The Expert does not know anything about the Internet and he could not speak on the technical points of the functional computer and the Internet
For this reason, investigators are The wife and father in the home of the expert
Expert report back to the court without any evidence and are merely the views of
Because he could not understand what I say professional, technical
Documents provided by the company are false unjust Photoshop program
And fabricated, and I provided evidence that all the documents and I've forged a tradition of a copy of all documents to show that any one can be provided by the rigging of the things the company fabricated, but the expert could not understand it because the expert can not even open a web page how he will understand how is the technical matters?
Been sentenced to 2 months imprisonment and a fine of thousands of United Arab Emirates Dirham
Over the past nine months has been suffering and humiliation
Note the following
I went to the company ( my Sponsor ) after I left prison
Ask for mercy even to cancel the communication and dissemination of escape from the guarantor and not give
The case was fabricated and the surprise is that the bargaining
Asked me to false testimony in another case of their own with another person
I refused to perjury and was the greatest threat
Threatened me that has been opened any other subjects in the case
And not the fraudulent statements, will be to put me in jail for life as soon as one word will not see my children for life
They told me you did not know who is the owner of the company that the company's personal friend of the senior statesmen in the United Arab Emirates
Submitted a complaint to the General Command of Abu Dhabi Police
They told me go and made a communication at the police station
The complaint has been saved were not investigated were canceled because of the author and the company's owners
Almost the officer at the police station that puts me in jail again because I filed a complaint in the company, which has the power and influence
Did not put me in jail because I told them I'll call the Egyptian embassy out of their hands and miraculously
I submitted a complaint to claim the rights
But the judge ordered to pay half the amount which the company's call for a fee
Of course, I could not abolishing the case
I made a complaint at the employment office to cancel the escape from the circulation of false and can claim the rights
The day of the hearing I was surprised that the transaction was canceled because I attended a few minutes late
But the main reason power and influence
I finally lost hope that I can get any of my rights as a judicial or official
The influence of the strongest guarantor of anything, but I am trying to do all of the above is not important
What is important is the following
Colonel in the security of the state in the UAE and Sharjah in particular wants to arrest and wants to send me to prison without any legal reason, but reason is
Because my wife changed the phone number
Since my wife asked a colonel of the state security help me at the Sharjah Airport on arrest
Since that day, Colonel reserved Telephone number
The officer tried several times to speak with my wife in matters of personal and sexual and words are not acceptable on the phone with my wife
But my wife used to reject these words and hang up
And because my wife refused this kind of talks
Colonel told her that your husband is still here in our country and I can take into the prison again, but this time it will be life imprisonment
It was after talking with my wife
Was talking to me on the phone again to talk to me and ask about the news of complaints
He was a traitor, a hypocrite snake
Has forced my wife to talk to him sexually
But could not my wife to tell me about the talks
Was my wife was very afraid
My wife bore the words of this dirty dirty man
And my wife was afraid that the Colonel carried out his threat and puts me in jail for life
My wife had heard timidly and in pain because they have to hear this crazy
There is no fear of God
My wife can not continue to listen and decided to tell me that after the situation worsened, the psychological and felt shame and humiliation at the hands of this man that was supposed to be
Put yourself in the place
What would you feel?
Does this kill Colonel Egotist?
Or control of yourself so as not to increase the problems?
I ordered my wife to change phone number
Then began the UAE's state security colonel in the search for me in every place and I became the enemy
The Colonel had dared to speak with me on the phone again Because he had a feeling I knew the subject
I even tried to talk with him but did not answer the phone
Is he afraid? Or regret? Or plotting something?
Then I remembered what he said one of Li's times
When stopped on the work of free services is
On its website
He had told me that you did not drop yourself and come to work free on my site was ever in jail - I told him how??
"Colonel, I brought you some of the files in order to visit us in the UAE's state security
I told him how? Responded by saying that the easiest thing to be dragging your name
In any case, security and honor of the visit for months or years
Or life in prison
After my wife changed the phone number police pursuits started
The callers, who are the customers want to know exactly where the place
I was surprised and did not request that the customer never knows the place earlier this urgency
Started in the police chases of the last type of failure when the Colonel to find where I am this way
Began women - were related to women at night and speak to me for several hours and then ask to be planning to meet
And want to contact them again, but his attempt failed, which was aimed to know the place or to fabricate another case, the opposite of women and blasting them with
And resorted to another trick
Colonel knows of the sites on the Internet I be an intermediary in the sale of laptop computers are imported from America
Received a telephone call from India and asked me to buy them I told them high prices, and they approve directly
Then asked to go to somewhere even understand the shipment with relatives in the UAE, of course, but I did not go to them
and he Continued his attempts to arrest me
Nine months of the prison to the courts to the streets
Housing prices, rents are very high
And without a passport does not have any identification
And without work
How can I live?
How can my wife in Egypt, that the bear is the living expenses and my children?
How long will be in this tragedy?
How long we will continue to wait for a friend that came to us and give us some money so that my children have to live
A family of my wife and three children and parents who honored their son were burned to the grief
How long will this suffering and pain????
We tried saving as much as possible
Special schools for boys have been transferred to public schools
I eat one meal a day and I can take
But how can I ask my kids to eat once a day???
Can any of you ask the children to eat once a day????
Not summer or winter clothes
Asked the children from their mother not to buy clothes so that we can get out of this ordeal
You are a father, you bear the psychological pressure??
How long I will remain without work in the United Arab Emirates
How long will this Colonel for being behind me and puts me in jail?
How long will my children in Egypt are waiting me to die or be in jail at any moment ???
Can anyone say no to injustice ???
Can anyone tell enough of the suffering?
Moral and psychological torture for a period of nine months
Is that not enough?
I ask mercy from the merciless Arabs
Even if I were an Arab, but I hate the inhuman
The time has come for people to think that a long time and I'm on this case, I'll have any picture?
Do you think that it is possible to turn into a criminal or terrorist ??????
Do you accept that a child 11 years of work to take care of his mother and sisters?? Because I can not send them money to help them to cost of living, or rent apartment
I think it's very easy to turn to revenge, or a terrorist after all the suffering and psychological and physical torture
But I do not want that and I want your help so that I get my rights back
Started on 19/11/2008
At the Sharjah Airport on 19/11/2008
Was arrested on a charge of escape from the guarantor
Note that the date of this circular is to 28/9/2008
Anedjlt and the United Arab Emirates on 26/9/2008
So the difference is only 2 days
And the law in the UAE, according to the difference between the incomes of the country and the date of the circular is not less than seven days in order to be able to go from lender to the guarantor
How, if the circular had been accepted in the Passport Office? Accepted and how to generalize the work of those responsible to escape from the guarantor?
Does the guarantor to pay a bribe? Or as the guarantor of the people of influence and power?
Airport officers treated me at the airport the most inhuman and refused to give me water and I sat at the airport from 4 AM , to 12 PM
I was paralyzed in my legs and my body on the ground is not any one to provide assistance
in Sharjah was serve jail for four days until it is transferred to the prison of Abu Dhabi
Police beat belting for punishment
I drank for a cigarette in front of police
Note that smoking is allowed
But the police love to show strength unjust
I sat in the prison in Abu Dhabi for forty days without a reason, even my wife was paralyzed in her hand and my daughter was a nervous shock because of the distress at what happens to her father
My wife sent a fax to the immigration Office to request my release can escape from the circulation of false and malicious
Suddenly be released after that kept me my passport, but the escape from the sponsor is still in effect and I can not Work or travel anywhere and I can not return to Egypt
Released me on 29/12/2008 ( after 40 days in Jail )
The company sued the unjust - the issue of libel and insult and defamation on the Internet
The punishment for me because I called to leave my financial arrears and when they refused I have my story published on the Internet
I was in Egypt, the time of the claim and leave my story published and I was in Egypt
Story is the same as the letter sent to the Abu Dhabi Police during my stay in Egypt
The prosecutor did not discuss with me in case No. 17587 Abu Dhabi - did not ask me any technical questions related to the case
Is there a technical issue, without investigation
I Did not sign any statement on the case was then transferred to the court without investigation
Has been the case in the court six months without achieving reserved for a more than once
After six months the case was transferred to a technical expert in order to achieve in the case
I was summoned to the House of the technical expert, who was appointed from the court even checking with me and discuss
Who took the investigation : the wife of an expert :: And the father of the:: and the same expert
This is borne out by the representative of the attorney's office who attended the debate with me and the investigation
The Expert does not know anything about the Internet and he could not speak on the technical points of the functional computer and the Internet
For this reason, investigators are The wife and father in the home of the expert
Expert report back to the court without any evidence and are merely the views of
Because he could not understand what I say professional, technical
Documents provided by the company are false unjust Photoshop program
And fabricated, and I provided evidence that all the documents and I've forged a tradition of a copy of all documents to show that any one can be provided by the rigging of the things the company fabricated, but the expert could not understand it because the expert can not even open a web page how he will understand how is the technical matters?
Been sentenced to 2 months imprisonment and a fine of thousands of United Arab Emirates Dirham
Over the past nine months has been suffering and humiliation
Note the following
I went to the company ( my Sponsor ) after I left prison
Ask for mercy even to cancel the communication and dissemination of escape from the guarantor and not give
The case was fabricated and the surprise is that the bargaining
Asked me to false testimony in another case of their own with another person
I refused to perjury and was the greatest threat
Threatened me that has been opened any other subjects in the case
And not the fraudulent statements, will be to put me in jail for life as soon as one word will not see my children for life
They told me you did not know who is the owner of the company that the company's personal friend of the senior statesmen in the United Arab Emirates
Submitted a complaint to the General Command of Abu Dhabi Police
They told me go and made a communication at the police station
The complaint has been saved were not investigated were canceled because of the author and the company's owners
Almost the officer at the police station that puts me in jail again because I filed a complaint in the company, which has the power and influence
Did not put me in jail because I told them I'll call the Egyptian embassy out of their hands and miraculously
I submitted a complaint to claim the rights
But the judge ordered to pay half the amount which the company's call for a fee
Of course, I could not abolishing the case
I made a complaint at the employment office to cancel the escape from the circulation of false and can claim the rights
The day of the hearing I was surprised that the transaction was canceled because I attended a few minutes late
But the main reason power and influence
I finally lost hope that I can get any of my rights as a judicial or official
The influence of the strongest guarantor of anything, but I am trying to do all of the above is not important
What is important is the following
Colonel in the security of the state in the UAE and Sharjah in particular wants to arrest and wants to send me to prison without any legal reason, but reason is
Because my wife changed the phone number
Since my wife asked a colonel of the state security help me at the Sharjah Airport on arrest
Since that day, Colonel reserved Telephone number
The officer tried several times to speak with my wife in matters of personal and sexual and words are not acceptable on the phone with my wife
But my wife used to reject these words and hang up
And because my wife refused this kind of talks
Colonel told her that your husband is still here in our country and I can take into the prison again, but this time it will be life imprisonment
It was after talking with my wife
Was talking to me on the phone again to talk to me and ask about the news of complaints
He was a traitor, a hypocrite snake
Has forced my wife to talk to him sexually
But could not my wife to tell me about the talks
Was my wife was very afraid
My wife bore the words of this dirty dirty man
And my wife was afraid that the Colonel carried out his threat and puts me in jail for life
My wife had heard timidly and in pain because they have to hear this crazy
There is no fear of God
My wife can not continue to listen and decided to tell me that after the situation worsened, the psychological and felt shame and humiliation at the hands of this man that was supposed to be
Put yourself in the place
What would you feel?
Does this kill Colonel Egotist?
Or control of yourself so as not to increase the problems?
I ordered my wife to change phone number
Then began the UAE's state security colonel in the search for me in every place and I became the enemy
The Colonel had dared to speak with me on the phone again Because he had a feeling I knew the subject
I even tried to talk with him but did not answer the phone
Is he afraid? Or regret? Or plotting something?
Then I remembered what he said one of Li's times
When stopped on the work of free services is
On its website
He had told me that you did not drop yourself and come to work free on my site was ever in jail - I told him how??
"Colonel, I brought you some of the files in order to visit us in the UAE's state security
I told him how? Responded by saying that the easiest thing to be dragging your name
In any case, security and honor of the visit for months or years
Or life in prison
After my wife changed the phone number police pursuits started
The callers, who are the customers want to know exactly where the place
I was surprised and did not request that the customer never knows the place earlier this urgency
Started in the police chases of the last type of failure when the Colonel to find where I am this way
Began women - were related to women at night and speak to me for several hours and then ask to be planning to meet
And want to contact them again, but his attempt failed, which was aimed to know the place or to fabricate another case, the opposite of women and blasting them with
And resorted to another trick
Colonel knows of the sites on the Internet I be an intermediary in the sale of laptop computers are imported from America
Received a telephone call from India and asked me to buy them I told them high prices, and they approve directly
Then asked to go to somewhere even understand the shipment with relatives in the UAE, of course, but I did not go to them
and he Continued his attempts to arrest me
Nine months of the prison to the courts to the streets
Housing prices, rents are very high
And without a passport does not have any identification
And without work
How can I live?
How can my wife in Egypt, that the bear is the living expenses and my children?
How long will be in this tragedy?
How long we will continue to wait for a friend that came to us and give us some money so that my children have to live
A family of my wife and three children and parents who honored their son were burned to the grief
How long will this suffering and pain????
We tried saving as much as possible
Special schools for boys have been transferred to public schools
I eat one meal a day and I can take
But how can I ask my kids to eat once a day???
Can any of you ask the children to eat once a day????
Not summer or winter clothes
Asked the children from their mother not to buy clothes so that we can get out of this ordeal
You are a father, you bear the psychological pressure??
How long I will remain without work in the United Arab Emirates
How long will this Colonel for being behind me and puts me in jail?
How long will my children in Egypt are waiting me to die or be in jail at any moment ???
Can anyone say no to injustice ???
Can anyone tell enough of the suffering?
Moral and psychological torture for a period of nine months
Is that not enough?
I ask mercy from the merciless Arabs
Even if I were an Arab, but I hate the inhuman
The time has come for people to think that a long time and I'm on this case, I'll have any picture?
Do you think that it is possible to turn into a criminal or terrorist ??????
Do you accept that a child 11 years of work to take care of his mother and sisters?? Because I can not send them money to help them to cost of living, or rent apartment
I think it's very easy to turn to revenge, or a terrorist after all the suffering and psychological and physical torture
But I do not want that and I want your help so that I get my rights back
اولا انا محامى مصرى وعايش وبشتغل فى الامارات
المشكلة اللى بيقولها الأخ برغم إن فيه تفاصيل كتير مبالغ فيها فى أسلوب شرحها إلا إن فى حقيقتها مشكلة قانونية عادية جدااااااا وملهاش علاقة بنفوذ أو سلطة أو غيره
بمنتهى البساطة الأخ ده متهم فى قضية أيا كانت مظلوم فيها او حقيقية وهى قضية البلاغ الكاذب
وزى ما فيه فى مصر النيابة العامة بتخلى سبيل المتهم بكفالة مالية او بضمان محل اقامته هنا فى الامارات بيكون اخلاء السبيل عادة بضمان جواز سفر علشان متسافرش وتهرب قبل ما القضية تنتهى
وعلى كده جواز سفره محجوز بسبب قانونى جدااااا وده بيحصل لاى شخص متهم فى قضية جنائية ايا كانت صغيرة او كبيرة يا إما الحل البديل هو انك تفضل فى السجن
المسالة دى بيتعرض لها كل الجنسيات اللى عايشين فى الامارات بما فيها المواطنين لأنى والله العظيم عندى مواطنين موكلين متهمين فى قضايا لهم اكتر من 3 شهور محبوسين وتم احالتهم للمحاكمة محبوسين لأن هو ده القانون .. وكما مواطنين لما بيخلوا سبيلهم بيكون بضمان جواز سفره واحيانا بيضلبوا اضافة لجواز سفره جواز سفر شخص تانى ضامن معاه
اما مسالة العقيد والمطاردة دى انا معرفش عنها وأول مرة اسمع حاجة زى كده فى الامارات بصراحة لأن هنا الشرطة بتخاف جدااا من القيادات بتاعتهم يعنى اعتقد لو راح قدم شكوى فى العميد ولا العقيد ده هايتحاسب إضافة لأن حكاية السجن طول عمره دى مبالغة شديدة وكمان واضح انه كانت تربطه بالظابط ده علاقة شخصية قديمة
عموما ربنا يصلح حالك وقضيتك تنتهى على خير وتاخد جوازك وترجع لأولادك وأسرتك وربنا يكرمك برزقهم فى بلدك
تحياتى واسف على الغطالة
بس تعليق بسيط
مفيش في الامارات نظام كفيل اصلا